Life · Make Up

Jeffree Star Skin Frosts

Okay okay okay. So I know JStar released his skin frosts and his beauty killer palette today. But last week he posted on snapchat that he released a few thousand of 2 of the 4 colors of the skin frosts. You better believe that I was on my computer in one second and was lucky enough to purchase “Ice Cold”. I was kind of nervous because of how bright it is, but honestly it is one of the most gorgeous highlighters ever. 

One swipe with my finger can we say hello pigment??? The palettes are HUGE for a highlighter. I few people wanted to see differences with this compared to Becca’s “Moonstone” and I also swatched “Champange Pop”. The top is with a flash and the bottom is without!

I am living for his skin frosts, I was lucky enough to get “Peach Godess” today when they officially launched. I mean how could I not? I cannot wait to see the pigment of that shade! Ugh, it’s going to be gorgeous.

Lastly I’m going to post a short video that will likely be super blurry and I don’t know why. But it’s of “Ice Cold” blended into my skin, to die for! 

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